Noor Theatre stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people

Noor Theatre stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people. We advocate for their right to land sovereignty, their safety, and their liberation. We oppose the expulsion of Palestinians from occupied East Jerusalem, the violence against worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan, and the attacks on Palestinian civilians and children in Gaza. Noor Theatre stands against the apartheid established by the Israeli government, as exhibited by the 73-year occupation, the continued violence against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and throughout historic Palestine, ongoing violations of Palestinian human rights, and the continued oppression and systematic erasure of the Palestinian people. 

We demand that President Biden hold the Israeli government accountable for its continued human rights violations and abuses and divest taxpayer funds that are used by the Israeli government to carry out human rights violations against Palestinians, including the detention of children, the seizure and destruction of Palestinian homes, and further annexation of Palestinian land. While the ceasefire ends the bombing for now, it does not put a stop to the ongoing Israeli occupation, apartheid, displacement, and continued violence towards Palestinian civilians. We also call on US/Western media outlets to be extra vigilant and conscious of simplifying this tragedy by limiting it to an “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” which creates a false equivalency and does not recognize the egregious imbalance of power between a well-funded militarized state and an occupied people. 

As a theatre that champions artists of Middle Eastern descent and their stories, we cannot allow Palestinian voices to be silenced. We stand together against all forms of oppression and colonialism; champion rigorous, just discourse; and will not tolerate rhetoric or actions that are anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, or anti-Jewish. We condemn the recent anti-Semitic and Islamophobic incidents that have occurred internationally. These abhorrent actions have no place in the movement for Palestinian liberation.

We support and uplift the plurality of our countries of origin, which include people of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian faiths among others, and continue to fight for our diverse voices to be heard and uplifted.    

We stand with our community. 

Please join us in taking action using the resources below.

Please join us in taking action using the resources below.

Resources and ways to take action:


Theatres in Palestine to follow:

Participate in a protest or rally:



Urge congress to support H.R. 2590: The Palestinian Children and Families Act: 

Participate in the BDS movement: